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EAS System

The electronic identification system, or “EAS” for short, is a type of security system that uses tags to uniquely identify individuals. Tags can be affixed to clothing, vehicles, and other objects, and are often used in security patrols and other applications. The tags typically expire after a certain period of time, and can be read by authorized personnel. EAS System is often considered an essential security tool for individuals and businesses.

hard tag, soft tag, am tag, RF tag are metal tags designed to store information about a vehicle. Hard tags are typically larger and more durable than soft tags, and can be affixed to a vehicle with screws and nails. Soft tags are typically smaller and less durable than hard tags, and can be affixed to a vehicle with adhesives or temporary patches.

EAS tags are a common technology used in the agricultural and industrial sectors. They allow for the identification of specific items, such as animals or crops, and allow for the tracking of crops and animals. While the tags are generally easy to read and use, there are some potential issues that can arise when using them. Hard tag systems are those that use hard physical tags that must be affixed to an item in order to be used.

EAS System in BD - Trimatrik
EAS System in BD – Trimatrik
EAS Security

Best EAS System Supplier in Bangladesh

Trimatrik Multimedia is the leading Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Supplier in Bangladesh.

EAS Security System use for Clothing shop in Bangladesh. The EAS security system is a set of tools used by retailers to protect their clothing inventory from loss or theft. The system uses tags to identify each item in the store and assigns a unique code to each piece of clothing. This allows for easy tracking of the belongings and makes it more difficult for thieves to steal items.

In recent years, the use of electronic security systems such as barcodes and RF tags in clothing retailers has become increasingly popular. These systems allow employees to track their belongings and ensure that they are not stolen or lost. Because these systems are so beneficial, it is important for retailers to understand the different features of each type of tag.

One option for retailers is the EAS system, which is a TRIMATRIK MULTIMEDIA system. This system allows for tracking of garments both physically and electronically. Additionally, this system provides an authentication process that helps to ensure that the data being tracked is legitimate. Trimatrik Multimedia is the leading Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Supplier in Bangladesh.

Another option for retailers is the soft tag approach. This approach uses a code instead of a barcode orRF tag.Soft tags can be used in a variety of locations, including on clothing items and packaging.

EAS anti-theft alarm shop security system Price in Bangladesh (BD) for 28/February/2025

EAS anti-theft alarm shop security system Price in Bangladesh is Starts from 35,000 Taka for EAS Gate. Security Tag Price starts from 3 Taka.

EAS RF Gate Price Starts From35,000 Taka
EAS AM Gate Price Starts From55,000 Taka
Hard Tag Price Starts from 8 Taka
Soft Tag Price Starts from 3 Taka
Tag De-Activator Price16,000 Taka
Latest Price for Date of 28/February/2025
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EAS System Best Price in Chawkbazar Model, Dakshinkhan, Darus Salam, Dhanmondi (ধানমন্ডি থানা), Demra (ডেমরা থানা), Kotwali (কোতয়ালী থানা), Gendaria, Gulshan (গুল্শান থানা), Hazaribagh (হাজারীবাগ থানা), Jatrabari, Kadamtali, Kafrul (কাফরুল থানা), Kalabagan (কলাবাগান থানা), Kamringir Char (কামরাঙ্গীর চর থানা), Khilkhet, Khilgaon (খিলগাঁও থানা), Lalbagh (লালবাগ থানা), Mirpur (মিরপুর থানা), Mohammadpur (মোহাম্মদপুর থানা), Motijheel (মতিঝিল থানা), AM Antenna New Market, RF Gate Pallabi (পল্লবী থানা), Paltan, Ramna (রমনা থানা), Rampura (রামপুরা থানা), Sabujbagh (সবুজবাগ থানা), Shah Ali, Shahbagh, Sher-e-Bangla Nagor, AM Gate Shyampur (শ্যামপুর থানা), Sutrapur (সুত্রাপুর থানা), Tejgaon (তেজগাঁও থানা), Tejgaon Industrial Area, Turag, UttarKhan (উত্তরখান থানা), Security Tag Uttara (উত্তরা), Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Barisal, Comilla (কুমিল্লা), Cox’sbazar (কক্সবাজার), Feni (ফেনী), Khagrachhari খাগড়াছড়ি, Lakshmipur লক্ষীপুর, Noakhali নোয়াখালী, Rangamati রাঙ্গামাটি, Dhaka ঢাকা, Faridpur ফরিদপুর, Gazipur গাজীপুর, Gopalganj গোপালগঞ্জ, Jamalpur জামালপুর, Kishoreganj কিশোরগঞ্জ, Madaripur মাদারীপুর, Manikganj মানিকগঞ্জ, Munshiganj মুন্সীগঞ্জ, Mymensingh ময়মনসিংহ, Narayanganj নারায়ণগঞ্জ, Narsingdi নরসিংদী, Netrakona নেত্রকোনা, Rajbari রাজবাড়ী, Shariatpur শরীয়তপুর, Sherpur শেরপুর, Tangail টাঙ্গাইল, Bagerhat বাগেরহাট, Chuadanga চুয়াডাঙ্গা, Jessore যশোর, Jhenaidah ঝিনাইদহ, Khulna খুলনা, Kushtia কুষ্টিয়া, Magura মাগুরা, Meherpur মেহেরপুর, Narail নড়াইল, Satkhira সাতক্ষিরা, Bogra বগুড়া, Joypurhat জয়পুরহাট, Naogaon নওগাঁ, Natore নাটোর, Chapainawabganj নওয়াবগঞ্জ, Pabna পাবনা, Rajshahi রাজশাহী, Sirajganj সিরাজগঞ্জ, Dinajpur দিনাজপুর, Gaibandha গাইবা, Kurigram কুড়িগ্রাম, Lalmonirhat লালমনিরহাট, Nilphamari নীলফামারী, Panchagarh পঞ্চগড়, Rangpur রংপুর, Thakurgaon ঠাকুরগাঁ, Habiganj হবিগঞ্জ, Moulvibazar মৌলভীবাজার, Sunamganj সুনামগঞ্জ, EAS gate importer Sylhet সিলেট, In bd, Bangla, motijheel, mirpur, gulshan, banani, old town Dhaka, muhammadpur, jatrabari, Bangladesh, Bangladeshi area. Dhaka city area Adabor (আদাবর থানা), Badda (বাড্ডা থানা), Biman Bandar (বিমান বন্দর থানা), Bangshal, Cantonment (ক্যান্টনমেন্ট থানা), Barguna (বরগুনা), Barisal (বরিশাল), Bhola (ভোলা), Jhalokati (ঝালকাঠি), Patuakhali (পটুয়াখালী), Pirojpur (পিরোজপুর), Bandarban (বান্দরবান), Brahmanbaria (ব্রাহ্মণবাড়ীয়া), Chandpur (চাঁদপুর), Chittagong (চট্টগ্রাম).